Friday, July 6, 2012

Bell Proposes 3 new Cell Towers in Innisfil

One proposed cell tower antenna installation in Innisfil Beach Park (behind the fire hall) would be close to 3 schools, 2 daycares and numerous home daycare centres. We would like cell towers to be installed at a safer distance from areas of dense population, especially areas where children play and learn; parks, schools, daycares, homes.

This is your opportunity to make a positive difference in your community.
Every voice counts! Attend events #1 and #2 (below) and express your
concerns and questions along with other parents and neighbours. 


1)   Cell Tower Information Night:
Innisfil Community Church, 1571 Innisfil Beach Rd.
Tuesday July 10th, 7:30 - 9:00pm
Video presentation featuring Dr. Magda Havas.
Become informed about the latest research.

2)   Town Council Meeting:
Innisfil Town Hall, 2101 Innisfil Beach Rd.
Wednesday July 11th, 6:30pm (Re: Gilford & Stroud towers).
Bell has proposed 3 cell new cell towers in Alcona, Gilford & Stroud. We need everyone concerned to attend this meeting to show Council that the health and wellness of our community is top priority.

Help protect children, your community and fire fighters.

Cell Tower Radiation Hurts Children

Microwave radiation from cell towers harms us at the DNA level. Microwave radiation causes changes to blood composition. Some people living near cell towers or in environments where microwave radiation is present 24/7 have developed electromagnetic hypersensitivity and report these symptoms: Headaches (pins and needles, sharp pains, pressure), attention deficit (difficulty concentrating, memory lapses), disorientation (dizziness, vertigo, problems with balance), insomnia (sleep disturbances, excessive fatigue), adrenal fatigue, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), heart problems (tachycardia/racing heart, pressure in the chest), skin rashes, thyroid problems, and immune abnormalities. International studies also suggest a link between microwave radiation and the following biological effects: dementia, infertility, tumours, and neurological diseases such as MS.

Safety Code 6 only sets limits regarding skin and tissue heat effects from wireless emissions. It does not protect us from the many known biological effects of wireless microwave radiation. Both acute and cumulative exposures to this radiation are dangerous to our health, and especially to the health of children and the elderly. It will take YEARS before these negative health effects are better understood and documented. By then it will be too late for those who have developed radiation-related illnesses. 


Please watch these videos: 

Then go to to see what happened at the Bronte fire station in Oakville.


Petitions will be available to sign at the meeting.
For more information or to get involved contact:

Updates regarding the Town of Innisfil will be posted here at