Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wi-Fi in schools should be an issue for School Board Trustees

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I am interested in making the right choice in the upcoming election so I have sent the following to the School Board Trustees.  I would like to hear their opinions on issues related to SCDSB Wireless policies. 

I am an engineer with a science based technical background.  I have done considerable research on electromagnetic radiation issues, specifically microwaves used for Wi-Fi and cellular communication systems.

I have serious concerns with our rapidly increasing exposure to electromagnetic radiation as I believe there are negative short and long term biological effects caused by this exposure especially for children.

I would like to hear the opinions of the School Board Trustees that are running in the current municipal election on the following issues:

·       Allow teachers to turn the Wi-Fi router off in their classroom when access to the internet is not required.
·       Create an education and safety program for students and teachers on how to use this technology more safely.
·       Post the warnings written by the manufacturers of the devices contained in the product information of the Wi-Fi devices your Board has installed, as well as cell phones and tablets used in the classroom. Your students and teachers should be aware that the manufacturers do not deem the products to be safe in all situations.

·        In your decision to deploy Wi-Fi in your schools, you are relying on Health Canada’s Safety Code 6. Invest the time to understand the significant flaws in the process Health Canada uses in its update of SC6.

If you are interested in how the Catholic District School Board is dealing with Wi-Fi in Schools check out the following information:

In September, KSTI Wi-Fi in Schools Health Risk Update  was favourably received at a school board meeting for the first time!  The PVNC Catholic District School Board VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to ask for a staff report on our specific requests to regulate WI-FI exposure in schools.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cell Tower Radiation Hurts Children

Microwave radiation from cell towers harms us at the DNA level. Microwave radiation causes changes to blood composition. Some people living near cell towers or in environments where microwave radiation is present 24/7 have developed electromagnetic hypersensitivity and report these symptoms: Headaches (pins and needles, sharp pains, pressure), attention deficit (difficulty concentrating, memory lapses), disorientation (dizziness, vertigo, problems with balance), insomnia (sleep disturbances, excessive fatigue), adrenal fatigue, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), heart problems (tachycardia/racing heart, pressure in the chest), skin rashes, thyroid problems, and immune abnormalities. International studies also suggest a link between microwave radiation and the following biological effects: dementia, infertility, tumors, and neurological diseases such as MS.

Safety Code 6 only sets limits regarding skin and tissue heat effects from wireless emissions. It does not protect us from the many known biological effects of wireless microwave radiation. Both acute and cumulative exposures to this radiation are dangerous to our health, and especially to the health of children and the elderly. It will take YEARS before these negative health effects are better understood and documented. By then it will be too late for those who have developed radiation-related illnesses.


For more information, please watch these videos:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

C4ST - Citizen's 4 Safe Technology Website Launch

Frank Clegg Officially Launches C4ST!!!!

I have concluded that Health Canada’s methods are out of date and safety limits are too weak to protect Canadians. China has limits that are 100 times stricter than ours.

I worry we have a situat

ion comparable to tobacco where Health Canada will be many years too late to take the appropriate action.

I have signed on to lead and build a national organization to raise public awareness of this issue. Our objective is to convince Industry Canada and Health Canada to change the process of distributing this technology and update their safety standards to acceptable levels.

Join us in our goal of reaching 1 million Canadians to influence Industry Canada and Health Canada and ensure the health of all Canadians.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cell Phone and Cell Tower Information

The following is a compilation of useful information about electromagnetic radiation and specifically cell phones and cell towers. 

The widely accepted precautionary principle or precautionary approach states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public, or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action.

This principle is not being followed by industry, or governments with respect to wireless technologies.

To see a map of cell phone towers in Canada, go here (you can zoom in to see the towers in our area):

What is Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR):

Fairly concise description here: (Note exposure time, not mentioned, is also an important factor)

Good diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum is here:  
A more detailed poster of the electromagnetic spectrum can be found at:
Cell phones use frequencies commonly referred to as microwaves or radiowaves.

To see a chart of how the frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum are allocated to companies and organizations see here (this is extremely interesting and telling of the problem):


There is a great deal of research on the health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.  There are studies that say there are no effects and others that say there are significant documented effects.  The results are considered to be non-conclusive by many government and health organizations. Note that non-conclusive does not mean “safe” it means they are not certain.

If you are looking for research that describes the health effects, read the BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF).
It was published online in 2007 by a group of international scientists, researchers and public health experts. It is an ongoing research project and some of the research has been published in the journal Pathophysiology. 
Access the website here
Excellent accompanying videos: (12 minutes)

The Institute of Building Biology is a German organization that has created a Standard of Building Biology Testing Methods that indicates safe exposure limits for many things.

Partial list of Human studies indicating whether sub thermal effects were found (Y/N):
Partial list of studies (categorized):

Safety Standards:

Health Canada follows Safety Code 6 which bases its exposure limits on the temperature effects of exposure.  This assumes that as long as it doesn’t raise the tissue temperature (cook you) it is safe.  It assumes there are no biological effects of the exposure.  This appears to be open to serious scientific question. 

Safety code 6 safe exposure limits (selected ranges only):
·         Exposure Limits for Controlled Environments (people aware of the exposure - 3-300MHz): 10,000,000 microW/m2
·         Exposure Limits for Uncontrolled Environments (people Not aware of the exposure 3-300MHz): 2,000,000 microW/m2
·         Exposure Limits for Uncontrolled Environments (300-1,500MHz): f/150 microW/m2
·         Exposure Limits for Uncontrolled Environments (1,500-15,000MHz): 10,000,000 microW/m2

The BioInitiative Report safe exposure limit is 1,000 microW/m2

The Standard of Building Biology Testing Methods safe exposure limits are:
·         < 0.1 microW/m2 - No concern
·         0.1 to 10 microW/m2 - Slight concern
·         10 to 1,000 microW/m2 - Severe concern
·         > 1,000 microW/m2 - Extreme concern

Many people who are consciously sensitive to Electromagnetic Fields can detect fields starting at about 5 to 10 microW/m2, some people sense even lower levels.

WHO (World Health Organization) classification 2B = Possibly carcinogenic to humans:
WHO classifies “Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields” as 2B (search in)

Industry Canada Telecommunication Tower info (Government stance):

Websites With Useful Information:

Dr. Magda Havas from Trent University is studying the effects electromagnetic fields are having on people. There is lots of information on her web site at:
Video presentation on Cell Towers (1 hr long) here:

Citizens for Safe Technology:
Cell Tower Action Kit,75,0  (Click on “Show More Content” at the bottom)

Kawartha Safe Technology Initiative:


The Canadian Initiative To Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution:
Coalition for Local Oversight of Utility Technologies:
Electromagnetic Health:
Electrosensitive Society:
Microwave News:
Centre for Safer Wireless:
International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety:
Cellular Phone Task Force:
EMF Solutions Canada:
Safe School Committee: (information on Wi-Fi in schools not cell towers but lots of interesting info on that)

Info for Fire Fighters: (International Association of Fire Fighters)

Other Communities Fighting Cell Towers:

Port Franks, ON (Municipality of Lambton Shores):

Thomasburg, ON:

Bronte Fire Station, Oakville, ON:

Colwood, BC (Industry Canada Report)

Burbank, California:


Other News:

Womens College Hospital – Environmental health clinic: May 23, 2012 Electromagnetic Sensitivity “Think Tank” Workshop.

----------------- -
There is a ton of other information and many news articles and videos.  I just included ones that looked like they were well laid out and informative.
Originally Posted June 7, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Innisfil Beach Park Cell Tower Vote: Council recommended that Bell find an alternate location away from the park and heavily populated areas.

Wed Sept 5, 7:15

Come to the council meeting to voice your concerns about the proposed Cell Tower at Innisfil Beach Park




TAKE NOTICE that the proposed telecommunication facility (mobile phone tower) at 2155 25th Sideroad – Alcona Fire Hall, Town of Innisfil, for which you requested notification, will be considered by Council at the regular meeting on September 5, 2012 in order that additional information can be reviewed by staff.

The agenda for the September 5, 2012 regular meeting of Council will be available on the Town of Innisfil web page approximately one week prior to that date.  Additional information regarding this notice can be obtained at the Clerk’s Office (705) 436-3740.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012, at 7:15 p.m.
in the Council Chambers located at the Town Hall
at 2101 Innisfil Beach Road.

Clerk Services
Town of Innisfil
2101 Innisfil Beach Road
Innisfil, ON  L9S 1A1

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bell Proposes 3 new Cell Towers in Innisfil

One proposed cell tower antenna installation in Innisfil Beach Park (behind the fire hall) would be close to 3 schools, 2 daycares and numerous home daycare centres. We would like cell towers to be installed at a safer distance from areas of dense population, especially areas where children play and learn; parks, schools, daycares, homes.

This is your opportunity to make a positive difference in your community.
Every voice counts! Attend events #1 and #2 (below) and express your
concerns and questions along with other parents and neighbours. 


1)   Cell Tower Information Night:
Innisfil Community Church, 1571 Innisfil Beach Rd.
Tuesday July 10th, 7:30 - 9:00pm
Video presentation featuring Dr. Magda Havas.
Become informed about the latest research.

2)   Town Council Meeting:
Innisfil Town Hall, 2101 Innisfil Beach Rd.
Wednesday July 11th, 6:30pm (Re: Gilford & Stroud towers).
Bell has proposed 3 cell new cell towers in Alcona, Gilford & Stroud. We need everyone concerned to attend this meeting to show Council that the health and wellness of our community is top priority.

Help protect children, your community and fire fighters.

Cell Tower Radiation Hurts Children

Microwave radiation from cell towers harms us at the DNA level. Microwave radiation causes changes to blood composition. Some people living near cell towers or in environments where microwave radiation is present 24/7 have developed electromagnetic hypersensitivity and report these symptoms: Headaches (pins and needles, sharp pains, pressure), attention deficit (difficulty concentrating, memory lapses), disorientation (dizziness, vertigo, problems with balance), insomnia (sleep disturbances, excessive fatigue), adrenal fatigue, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), heart problems (tachycardia/racing heart, pressure in the chest), skin rashes, thyroid problems, and immune abnormalities. International studies also suggest a link between microwave radiation and the following biological effects: dementia, infertility, tumours, and neurological diseases such as MS.

Safety Code 6 only sets limits regarding skin and tissue heat effects from wireless emissions. It does not protect us from the many known biological effects of wireless microwave radiation. Both acute and cumulative exposures to this radiation are dangerous to our health, and especially to the health of children and the elderly. It will take YEARS before these negative health effects are better understood and documented. By then it will be too late for those who have developed radiation-related illnesses. 


Please watch these videos: 

Then go to to see what happened at the Bronte fire station in Oakville.


Petitions will be available to sign at the meeting.
For more information or to get involved contact:

Updates regarding the Town of Innisfil will be posted here at 

A Resolution recommending changes to Federal guidelines on health, siting requirements and municipal protocols for Telecommunication (cellular) Towers

Mayor and Council
Municipalities of the Province of Ontario

Dear Sirs and Madams:

The  Municipality  of  Lambton  Shores  has  been  receiving  calls,  emails,  and  Council delegations from citizens concerned with the health concerns regarding Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) from close proximity to cellular towers.

At  the  most  recent  meeting  of  Council,  a  resolution  was  passed,  recommending changes to Federal guidelines for Telecommunication (cellular) Towers, and staff were directed  to forward  a  copy  of  the  resolution  to  all  municipalities  in  Ontario  and  all Members of Parliament.

A copy of the resolution that was passed is attached for your reference and support.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration.

Yours truly,

Carol McKenzie

A  Resolution  recommending  changes  to  Federal  guidelines  on  health, siting  requirements  and  municipal  protocols  for  Telecommunication (cellular) Towers- 

Whereas the siting of cellular towers is under Government of Canada jurisdiction, the siting impacts municipal land use and social planning;

And whereas: cellular service providers claim that they propose new towers to establish a high grade of service for cellular phones; the reality is the proposals are about building a comprehensive network for high data delivery to portable devices which in turn require broadcasting stronger radio frequency than for cellular phone service alone;

And whereas: many citizens have brought forward their health concerns about Electro-sensitivity based on close proximity to cellular towers emitting stronger Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) to Municipal Councils and Members of Parliament;

And whereas: these health concerns have been given credence by International studies and  reports  on  the  possible  carcinogenic  results  of  longer  term  exposure  to  EMR  as result of close proximity;

And  whereas:  a  Parliamentary  Committee's  examination  of  these  health  risks recommended  immediate  funding  to  studies  by  suggesting  that  there  is  not  a  clear consensus on the science;

And  whereas:    the  Precautionary  Principle  (PP)  addresses  the  non-consensus  by stating: 
Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall  not  be  used  as  a  reason  for  postponing  cost  effective  measures  to  prevent environmental degradation;

And whereas: other nations have used the (PP) as a basis for adopting more stringent guidelines  for  the  siting  of  cellular  towers  on  the  early  evidence  long  term  EMR exposure;

And whereas: Safety Code 6, Industry Canada's guideline for exposure is based on 6 minutes exposure, is outdated and does not take into account long term exposure;

And whereas: Municipal protocols enacted under Industry Canada guidelines to address local concerns are routinely ignored or overturned by an Industry Canada bureaucracy;

And  whereas:  the  exclusion  of  any  public  scrutiny  to  the  siting  of  towers  under  15m gives cellular providers a convenient tool that undermines any semblance of Municipal or citizen public input to the whole process;

And whereas: it is important for all governments to put the welfare of its citizens first before corporate interests; 
And  whereas:  no  Industry  Canada  regulation  exists  to  enable  Municipalities  to  enact Exclusionary Zones for Electromagnetic radiation.

Therefore:    be  it  resolved  that  the  Council  of  the  Municipality  of  Lambton  Shores petitions  the  Government  of  Canada  to  employ  the  Precautionary  Principle  in addressing Health Concerns around the siting of cellular towers by:

Adopting  regulatory  standards  that  reflect  current  international  standards  for Electromagnetic Radiation long term exposure and proximity to cellular towers.

Funding and completing the necessary studies that would give assurances to citizens that EMR is a Health Canada priority.

Recommending  to  cellular  providers,  that  as  good  corporate  citizens,  voluntary withdrawal of all applications for new cellular tower siting  in the system be done as a show of good faith while the new regulations take effect.

Recommending  to  cellular  providers,  that  as  good  corporate  citizens,  they  prepare  a nationwide  plan  to  relocate  all  cellular  towers  that  are  within  200  m.  of  houses, apartments,  daycare  centres,  healthcare  centres  and  schools  with  government assistance. 

Partnering  with  municipalities  to  prepare  a  new  protocol  template  to  be  used  in  the Industry  Canada  siting  process  that  reflects  good  Health  guidelines,  International standards for EMR and practical land use standards and that this protocol be given full power of law.

Adopting  standard  procedures  for  public  process  in  the  siting  of  any  cellular  towers under 15m.

Adopting  standard  procedures  and  enabling  legislation  for  Municipalities  to  enact Exclusionary  Zones  within  their  Official Plans  and  Zoning  Bylaws  for  Electromagnetic Radiation;

And that this resolution be forwarded to all Municipalities and Members of Parliament for their support.

Passed by the Municipality of Lambton Shores Council on the 18th day of June, 2012: